Other Gooselinks

Image of Mother Goose on a flying gander.

  • Send a free electronic Mother Goose greeting!

  • A Nursery Rhyme Show was presented by Bobbie Crane's class to the Pre-K and Kindergarten classes as a culminating activity of the nursery rhyme study.��The children designed their props, dressed up as their character, and performed their rhyme.

    Art work projects included making humpty dumpty mobiles, cotton ball lambs, decorated mittens and bright aluminum stars. The children also drew pictures to accompany their favorite Nursery Rhymes. Check it all out! Includes photos.

  • Born to Read: How to Raise a Reader - ALSC American Library Association: Here is a list of some of the best with easy-to-do tips developed by members of the (ALSC) Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association.

  • Kate Greenaway (1846-1901)

  • Other Famous Mothers

  • Mother Goose Library - by Mr. YASUI Sadao (Okazaki City, Japan)

  • Mother Goose Award Presented annually to "the most exciting newcomer to British children's book illustration."

  • Elizabeth 'Mother' Goose (Foster)'s Grave

  • "Fun With Mother Goose" City of Torrence 1997/1998 Rose Parade Float: Suitably attired in a bonnet of weaved raffia with lavender orchid petals, Mother Goose assumes the helm of the double-decker bus overflowing with passengers heading to the library for a day of Fun With Mother Goose. The animals, covered with fuzzy gray ming moss and pussy willow blossoms, red safflower, cocoa brown firegrass and fluffy white coconut flakes excitedly await the opportunity to stick their pink noses in a book.

Image of various Mother Goose characters.

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